
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Story Telling ....

I came across this quote which I find rather meaningful :

Writing to Save the Day (Fr Henri Nouwen)

Writing can be a true spiritual discipline. Writing can help us to concentrate, to get in touch with the deeper stirrings of our hearts, to clarify our minds, to process confusing emotions, to reflect on our experiences. By writing we can clarify what we have lived, and thus integrate it more fully into our journeys. Then writing can become life-saving for us and sometimes for others too.

This was quoted during a story-telling session of the CHOICE committee. The presenters had to write their talks and then present it to the participants. Writing itself is therapeutic, a good way to let out frustrations and emotions, but it is also a way to reflect, to see things in an objective way, and to learn from experiences and grow in our life’s journey.

Writing is not always easy. Writer’s block does occur, even to the most accomplished writers, let alone someone like me. But through writing, I start to discover more about myself, to see myself from the little bits and pieces I let out.

There have been people who have asked me, why not mark my posts private? Why must tell my life story to the whole world? What if I get judged and ostracized? Yes, I know the danger of living a “public” life. I have had lessons on spilling too much and getting betrayed in the end. I know the feeling of being judged by people without them knowing the full story.

But why do I still choose to share? Why do I not just write about mundane things, nice lovely things, instead of weird or "interesting" experiences? The thing is, and which I believe I have mentioned it, I do not believe in showing people only a beautiful façade. I can write about all the perfect boring things, but that is not real. I can behave in a nice and wholesome way and make others like me, trying to please everyone, but that is not me.

My life is not exactly wholesome, even though my family is more than wholesome. I have always been the black sheep. Life for me is never easy. It seems easy to my relatives, but not to me, because I never succeed in anything. Where my cousins are all first class honours and Masters in established professions, I am not at that level. Where they manage to find nice mates to settle down with after just one or the most two relationships, my love life is colourful and dramatic (to some) to say the least.

Yet I choose to blab all, not because to show off or that my story is so interesting, but because that is real. I can say everything is alright, pretending I am always happy and cheery, but that will not be real. In reality, things are never that good. I choose to show the good and the bad because that is how life is – taking the good and the bad.

And that is why I feel belonged in CHOICE. The presenters too have their own painful life experiences, yet they are willing to write and share with people they do not even know, without any fear of being judged. No one is perfect, so who are we to judge? Yes, one may be wholesome, but that does not mean others have the same kind of experiences, because some people go by life easier than others, whereas others go through an arduous journey before finding peace and being contented.

By sharing experiences and stories, it can be an inspiration. I am not so presumptuous to say that I have inspired others, but those presenters during my CHOICE weekend, have inspired me. They make me feel that I am not alone, that they too face the same kinds of problems, albeit in a different degree. They make me yearn to do more. They are all holding down demanding jobs and struggling with raising families, yet they take the time to share their experiences with us, to stay with us throughout, to encourage and motivate us. So how can I still be so laid back?

The participants inspired me too. With relationship problems and problems communicating with parents, these are just part and parcel of life. Some people may not have experienced it, but there are many others who have worse experiences, so we are not alone in this world. And I feel it is always good to listen and learn from others’ experiences, because that is real in the real world.

Someone from my prayer group brought up this point which I find rather apt. She said many people are afraid to share as they are afraid of being judged. But it is only those who dare to share, they dare to open up without being afraid of negativity, that they can truly accept their past and ultimately find peace. Only by opening up and daring to show love that you can get all the love back.

I find this really true! It was only by opening myself up to all things positive and negative that I can find peace, and know more people. I have tried and tested that, and that really works! I am not saying must say everything to the whole world, but by sharing experiences, it helps others to realise they are not alone, to make them feel warm and cared for. And that is good enough reason for me!


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