
Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Technical Rehearsal

The technical rehearsal earlier had quite a lot of hiccups. It was not totally unexpected, considering this was the first time everyone got together - the other choirs, guest performers, the commentators, the lighting people, the sound people and the stage people.

Honestly, I fear for the performance. Many are still quite unpolished as it is. We could hardly hear them on the pews. I wonder how the lighting and sound will actually be like. Come to think of it, could anyone even hear my choir as well?

Tomorrow is the full-dress rehearsal. I was told to wear all black and would be given a red shawl to drape over. That would be our costume. After the rehearsal tonight, would one more make a difference? But then again, I cannot expect the standard as comparable to those of professional singing groups. Those are the people who can really sing and had lots of real rehearsals about two weeks to a month before the performance.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow. Hopefully it will be better than tonight's rehearsal!


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