
Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Wrong Baby?

Today's newspaper reported on how a couple who went for IVF ended up with the wrong baby because the hospital injected the wrong sperm into the woman.

How is this thing ever possible? The couple in question is a mixed couple so it seems that the baby turned out a different colour. When they took the blood test, the baby has a different blood type from both parents. A DNA test indicates the mother's DNA but not the father's.

In other words, no one knows who the father is. If I am the couple in question, I will feel so pissed! Imagine if you are the couple who spent the time, money and effort in trying to have a child. The pregnancy is finally successful and you spend a happy nine months preparing and awaiting the birth of your child, only to find out it is the wrong baby at birth, how would you feel?

Luckily the couple in question has a kind heart. They have fallen in love with the baby and both husband and wife are willing to raise the child as their own. Of course the mother will want since she is the one who gave birth to the baby, but I like the father for being able to accept a child that is not his too. Afterall, it is not the baby's fault in the first place.

If this ever happened to me, I wonder what I would do? It is my child after all, but yet not from my husband. So what can I do about it? What will my husband do about it? Give the baby up, or raise him like his own?

I know if this happens to any other man, they will get so angry that they will sue the clinic in question. One does not spend the money, time and effort only to end up fathering another man's child. I think it will be very hard for any other man to accept it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Julie Lim said...

This is a horrible nightmare for any couple! I don't think I would be able to accept the baby cause I don't know the background of the sperm donor, i.e. his medical history, background, etc. For all I know he may even be an ex-convict or has a medical history of HIV, cancer, etc. In fact, that is also one of the reasons why some childless couples don't adopt cause they don't know the background of the baby they are planning to adopt.

juphelia said...

I know what you mean. It's unfortunate indeed. If I'm to have a child by adoption or whatnot, I would also want to do a thorough background check.

But then there are also others who are willing to accept because they just want to experience parenthood and willing to be responsible and take all consequences. I really salute these people for being brave enough to go through whatever it takes just to have a child.

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