
Friday, July 28, 2006

Being Like A Child ....

I popped by the Autism Association a few days back, as I was in between interviews. I was sitting in for one therapy session for autistic people. There are people ranging from six to thirty, some with mild autism, and some with extreme, and some with Asperger's Syndrome.

I was chatting with a thirty year old guy who has the mentality of a fifteen year old. Hmmm.... come to think of it, most thirty year old guys I know seem to have the mentality of a fifteen year old.... (keyword : MOST, in case I offend some thirty year old guys). But for an autistic person, it is a genuine case of simple-mindedness, whereas for a normal person, he probably just chooses not to grow up.

The chatting session was really good. I was so enriched after that. Seems like the simple-minded can see things from a sharp point of view. Perhaps the innocence and naivety is still there, so they tell it like it is, whereas once we gain knowledge and lose our innocence, we start thinking too much about unnecessary things.

He asked if I am married, so I said no. Then he said someone so pretty like me, how come I am not married? So I said I have not found someone willing to marry me. And he said if the guy really loves me, he will want to marry me, why wait? He feels that being a man should be responsible to the girl, and if he loves her, he will not hesitate.

Well well... why do I not get this from any other guys' lips? It is that simple, is it not? Yet why must we make things so difficult for ourselves? Why must we love and then lost? Spend our time giving our love and get nothing back in return?

But this guy is really cute. I find his innocence charming actually. He told me that if no one wants to marry me, he will, as he cannot imagine any guy ever giving me up. I wanted to tell him I am not that good in the first place, I made so many mistakes in my life, I probably do not know how to take care of a guy, but then I doubt he can understand the complexity of life.

I was there for only an hour since I had to go for my next interviews, but it was a real enriching experience for me. Perhaps talking to the simple-minded can really make us rekindle the lost innocence of youth and realise that life is that simple, yet we make things so complicated.

The simple-minded is sincere as they are nice and true to everyone. Not hypocritical or selfish. The people there share everything with me. When they eat, they offer me half. I was so touched. Never has anyone ever willingly shared anything with me before without asking.

At times like this, I get disillusioned with the modern society. We are educated and knowledgeable people, yet why do we do things that harm others? Why do we always want things to go our way or be so self-centred and think the whole world cater to us?

Why can we not be more simple-minded and not crave for material things, but intangible things like happiness and simplicity? The simple-minded are those that can really give a spark to one's life, yet they are the ones that can never get a decent job or fend for themselves, and still have to be subjected to being bullied. Has education, wisdom and knowledge corrupt our minds that we do not know how to care for others anymore?

No wonder only the child-minded can enter the kingdom of God. The innocence and naivety of a child is really pure, not corrupted by knowledge and evil.


Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

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