
Sunday, July 16, 2006

Of Pregnancy ....

Now that my cousin is pregnant, I have been doing a little research on pregnancy in general. And I found out that out of a hundred women, about eighty of them will have a failed first pregnancy. These women either miscarry or there is some abnormality where the foetus is concerned so the gynaecologist has to remove the whole thing.

The reason being when a woman first gets pregnant, the body is not used to a new thing, especially a new life. Those lucky ones will suffer terrible morning sickness (or whole day sickness), those really really lucky ones will go by with a smooth pregnancy with no symptoms whatsoever, but those unlucky ones may lose their babies.

The abnormalities can range from many things, from no heartbeat to deformity to being stuck in the fallopian tube. The worst thing is that half the women with failed first pregnancies find it hard to get pregnant again. I have no idea what the exact complication is, but apparently, when some of the women miscarry, their fallopian tubes or uterus got damaged, so they find it hard to conceive again.

Which makes me feel sad for them. There are some couples who want children so badly but can never have as some women may have weaker wombs and constant miscarriages, then there are others who do not want any children but can conceive so easily, and in the end have the child but neglect the child.

I do not know the reason why some women can conceive so easily, and others find it so hard. During my whole body checkup two weeks ago, the doctor told me that everything is alright. My condition will not affect me in anyway, because some women after operation finds it hard to conceive.

However, the doctor told me that I seem to be very fertile, I can get pregnant easily (so if I do not, that means the problem lies with my partner), so my chances at conceiving are very high, which incidentally may cause me problems next time if I do not plan properly. My mum then says that I am lucky, because not many women will be told that.

Strange, I thought normally women in general can conceive easily. After all, that is the fundamental trait of what being a woman is all about. But I have seen the different pregnancies in my own family. I have aunts and cousins who got pregnant within months of their marriage, have successful first pregnancies and their subsequent children came one after another.

I have also seen cousins who miscarried their first child, but luckily they are still able to conceive normally after that. Then I have a cousin who had a problem conceiving, so her first two kids came about by in-vitro fertilisation, but suddenly her third child was conceived in the natural way.

There are also women who successfully gave birth to their first child, but after that somehow or other the womb became damaged, or infected whatsoever, and they find they can never have another child ever again. I wonder what caused that?

Still, being able to get pregnant should be a great thing. What is a marriage without kids to make the family whole and complete? It is sad indeed to be married and not have any kids, not by choice. However, if there is really something wrong with either party, and their chances of having children is totally zilch, then so be it I guess.

Can always consider adoption. Afterall, a marriage should be life-long companionship for the couple, and not focused mainly on having children.


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