
Friday, July 28, 2006

Grooming To Be A Model ....

I have been chosen to be a model! Actually it is nothing to be that happy about, because I am going to be a model for one of the slimming centres here. My mum finally got fed up over her failed attempts at losing weight, so she dragged me along and signed up a slimming package for both of us. There goes my birthday and Christmas gifts for the next two years!

But it is a good thing I went, as I realised I am suddenly overweight. Just ten years ago, I was 44 kg, five years back I went up to 48 kg, and now...... So we will be having intensive slimming treatments by burning away our stubborn fats, especially around my tummy and the cellulite around my thighs. After that, I will be paid cash and vouchers for being their spokesperson.

The consultant guaranteed that by Christmas, my mum will lose her flabs and for me, I will go back to my relatively hourglass figure with a flat tummy, toned thighs and a twenty-three inch waist! And after the amount we spent, the guarantee better be 100% effective!

The treatment seems rather comprehensive. We are given a booklet to fill in our food and drink intake for the day. First thing, we have to start eating a normal three meals daily, instead of just one or two meals and snacks in between. And we are given a menu to follow.


Menu A - 1 slice of wholemeal bread with lean ham and lots of fresh lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber. No mayonaisse, butter, jam or margarine (I cannot even spread anything on my bread?!), 1 piece of fruit or juice, a cup of coffee or tea with no sugar or creamer (how am I going to drink tea with no sugar?!). No Milo, Horlicks or Ovaltine.

Menu B - 1 small bowl of cereal with skimmed milk or 1 cup of lowfat yogurt, 1 piece of fruit (all except longan, lychee, avocado, durian, rambutan and banana), 1 cup of coffee or tea with no sugar and creamer.

Menu C - 1 slice of pandan chiffon cake or 1 nonya cake with green bean paste, 1 cup of skimmed milk or soyabean, 1 piece of fruit


Menu A - 1 small bowl of rice, lots of boiled or steamed vegetables (all kinds except potatoes, yam, sweet potato and tapioca), 1 palm size of chicken, fish prawn or beancurd (steamed, baked or boiled). Remove any skin and visible fat.

Menu B - 1 bowl of fish porridge or noodle soup (no fried choices), 1 piece of fruit

Menu C - 1 bowl of seafood soup or fish slice soup or winter melon soup with half a bowl of rice, 1 piece of fruit


Menu A - 1 big bowl of salad with a teaspoon of dressing or steamed or boiled vegetables, 2 pieces of fruit

Menu B - 1 small square of beancurd served chilled or steamed with oyster sauce, 2 pieces of fruit or steamed or boiled vegetables

This menu means torture and hunger for me! People who know me know I crave for good food. How can I survive without red meat or chocolates or soft drinks? But since my mum has specially spend so much to "groom" me, I guess the least I can do is to try my best to adapt.

After all, looking good is also being svelt and slim, and it is for my own benefit more than anyone else. I also want to look better for him! And if I can drop a couple of dress sizes and go back to being 44 kg, that is a very good deal indeed.


Ole' Wolvie said...

I mean slimming centres are good and all, but...

Paying them to do common sense thing (like eat less and eat healthy) would make me feel like I'm cheated.

then again, if the "pain" of paying is good enough to keep people on target, might be workable. May as well give the money to me :P

KaiRiNu said...

Wow...sounds great!
Do let us in on the progress?
Good luck! =)

S. said...

Hahah...i agree with ole wolvie.

Richard said...

I don't know how tall you are, but 48Kg sounds pretty light to me. I am 106Kg.

shakespeareheroine said...

Richard : Welcome back! Hope you enjoyed your trip trmendously!

Yau-ming's blog!! said...

You need to balance out your fitness regime with some weight training. Otherwise, its just a downward spiral of dieting- unfortunately, without exercise your body will certainly lose weight - but overall it will look flabby. Only solution is to do some (small) weight training to gain definition and tone.

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