
Thursday, January 11, 2007

A Year Of Fitness

So my youngest brother has finally been called up to serve the country. And he is going to a place where not many of his batch are being posted to. Let's just hope he can be more sensible when he comes out.

I finally have a goal for the year, and that is to be fit! That may not be anything great to many people, but it is something to me, due to my history of illness and proness to diseases, as well as my laziness and disinclination to exercise or embark in any physical sports (except for a few).

So I was thinking, since I have been singing so much, why not take a break and do something to improve my body before doing more voice training? Afterall, if I am physically healthier, my vocal cords and stamina will also be stronger, and my voice can be better perhaps? My slimming sessions will end soon, and besides, I do not want to just depend on the slimming sessions alone.

I have no interest in joining a gym because I do not like sweating away on mundane exercises. I rather do something interesting and enjoyable, yet can lose weight at the same time. Afterall, if I am to exercise, why not do something that I can have fun doing at the same time? Thus, I have signed up for a variety of dance and fitness programmes for the first half of this year.

First up is Adult Ballet. Laugh if you must, but there are many adults taking up ballet, most without any background. The last time I pirouetted was back in 1993, which is a very long time ago. Now I probably have to start all over from the beginning. Ballet helps in improving body physique. I realise I became more bottom heavy when I stopped dancing. Or maybe age plays a part too.

Next is Pilates. My aunt and cousin attended a Pilates class conducted at one of the country clubs, and they were raving about it. I heard about Pilates some years ago, as that is the fitness routine which airline crew has to follow. Apparently, it is more effective than mere sit-ups or other forms of exercises, as it really helps in toning the bottom part of the body, and for someone who have lots of tummy and thigh flabs to get rid of, this is just perfect!

There are also others like Intermediate Salsa (I hope I still remember how to follow and lead!), Tap Dancing, and Yoga. Perhaps people may think it is madness to do both Pilates and Yoga, but they are two totally different routines.

Yoga helps more of the entire body, so the body must be very flexible in order to twist and turn. Besides, yoga also helps in improving relaxation and spiritual well-being, through exercises and meditation, and I need lots and lots of spiritual well-being right now so as not to be too emotionally worked-up again.

So my time is pretty much tied up. Plus with school starting again in February, I hope I have enough energy left to do everything!


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