
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bird Brain!

The day before we left for our trip, something funny happened at home. I came back and saw a parakeet (or was it a cockatoo?) perched on one of the windows! Apparently it flew in when the sky was raining heavily, perched on the dining room chair where my grandma was having her dinner, got chased off by my grandma, then flew to the kitchen and got chased by my dog, and finally perched itself on the window in the living room!

It is a white bird with a greenish crown. A pretty fellow if I must say, although I had no idea if it is a male or a female. It started looking left and right, sometimes with its crown opened. My maid fed it some bananas and it regurgitated some out.

When my mum came back, she was surprised. However we had no time to be concerned with a parrot. My suspicion was that it probably belonged to someone but got loose somehow and found “solace” in our house? In that case, I wonder who that bird belonged to?

It was still there the next morning when we were about to leave. Thus my mum said if the bird intends to stay, we have to adopt it and feed it, as well as buy a perch for it. Come to think of it, what does a parrot eat anyway?

Anyway, when we came back today, the bird is gone. The owner came looking for it with its partner, so the moment it heard its partner, it flew to the owner, and that was how it was found! At least the owner takes good care of it! Here are some pictures which I took of the bird!


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