
Monday, June 28, 2010

Annual Iowa Summer Writing Festival

There have been only three things I wanted to be since young - a lawyer, a journalist or a teacher. Teaching I have been there and done that, and now with Cathechism, in a way I am still teaching. Work wise I am doing something law-related, so one can say I have also been there and done that.

As for a journalist, this dream is still unfulfilled. Of course I keep my love for writing alive by my blogs, my diary, the little short stories and essays I weaved out, by editing works (mostly written by my dear). But my works have never appeared in any form of print media.

And that would be my greatest dream - to see my byline in print, not in any mere tabloids but in major or international newspapers and magazines. I will so love my words to inspire others.

Or else I can write best-selling novels like my favorite authors, but that is hard because the market here has no place for literary talents. People here in general do not read. When I tell others who some of my favorite authors are, they give me blank faces even though the books are so widely read throughout the world.

First and foremost I need to improve my writing. Through the years, I have wanted to improve the way I write. I read a variety of blogs, books, newspapers and magazines. I have tried submitting stories to magazines but none were published.

There are hardly any writing courses around. By that, I mean a crash course and not any long-term courses. By chance, I found out that the third UNESCO Literary City - Iowa - actually runs summer programs in the University of Iowa every year for anyone with the desire to write.

Anyone can sign up for any course, be they weekend or week-long courses, and the topics covered are quite varied. Imagine learning writing in a small town, a town one can never imagine ever associated with anything literary. What a dream to sit in a cosy cabin, facing a small American town, in a relaxed atmosphere, just writing.

If I can ever have the chance to attend the Festival, it will really be a dream come true for me! Wonder if I do have the chance in this lifetime?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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