
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Does Privacy Settings Work?

I am upset! I had been upset during my cousin's wedding on Saturday! I used to look forward to weddings, ever since my first cousin who got married when I was ten years old. Since then, I had been looking so much to when my turn would be.

However, in recent years, each time when I heard a cousin was getting married, I was both overjoyed and sad. Overjoyed because it is a good thing, but sad because when you see people younger than you tying the knot, and you are getting on in years, you start to wonder is there anything wrong with you that you feel as if you can only be left on the shelf? You start to wonder, when will it ever be your turn?

So on the day of the wedding, I took lots of photos, for my own collection. But since the photos are of my cousin's wedding, I decided to share it with the rest of my family too. I uploaded the photos onto Facebook, marked the album "Private", accessed by only me, and then sent an invite to only my immediate family members, ie my brother and my close cousins. No one else would be able to see it.

I thought it was alright because I had taken pictures of the wedding of some other cousins before, and no one else could see the album. At least no one said anything. So imagine my surprise when my uncle called me just now and scolded me. He said I should have asked permission first, that I should respect their privacy, and to ask me to remove all the photos. My uncle does not have a Facebook account, and I already told my cousins that the photos are private!

Yet my uncle said, he heard it from a third party whom he did not invite, and this third party called to ask about the wedding. He made it seem as if I deliberately "broadcasted" everything, when I did not! He said he did not invite everyone, so he did not want people to know. Honestly, in my opinion, if it is your wedding, you can invite whoever you like, and those who did not receive the invitation should accept it because it is the couple's wedding, they have no obligation to invite everyone under the sky!

I even asked my colleague to go into my account from hers, and she verified that she really could not see the photos. It is really private, accessed to only me and those I invited! So how could anyone else then access the album? In this case, how "private" is the privacy settings? Then it is a real infringement of privacy if anyone else can access a "private" album!

So now I am upset! It seems as if since young, whatever I do is wrong and whatever others do is right! My cousins only have people praising them to the sky, whereas for me, since young I seem to be scolded by everyone else! What a way to start the day!


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