
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Media Coverage ....

Today was a very exciting day. I was invited to a book launch by one of my muses - Violet Lim of Lunch Actually! Yes, she had published her first book, exclusively for women, called "15,000 First Dates". I was invited to be one of the guest panellists and review the book in front of the media people.

I took the day off and went to the venue, where there were three others who were also guest panellists - one other girl and two guys. The press conference started off with Violet introducing the contents of her book, and then we had to share how we felt the book was like. Then the reporters started interviewing Violet and the rest of us. I got three interviews - one from a union magazine, one from a Mandarin news on radio, and one from The New Paper. We even posed and got our photos taken!

The reporter from the Mandarin news channel sent me a message and told me the story would air at ten o'clock. Five minutes before, I turned on my radio and awaited the story eagerly. Finally my voice came on. I must say, this is the first time I heard myself on radio, and I sounded good! Fluent mandarin too, even though I always thought I speak with an accent!

It had been a fun day and I am glad to help out my mentor and my muse! I wish Violet all the best in her book sales!


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