
Saturday, December 17, 2005

How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways....

I love you because I want to .....

1. Give you my shoulder to lean on, to cry on, whenever you are feeling down.

2. Talk to you about anything and everything under the sun, moon, stars, sky, heck, the entire universe.

3. Write and croon love songs to you, telling stories about our love.

4. Cry with you when you cry and laugh with you when you laugh.

5. Call you just to hear your voice, even if it is only for a minute.

6. Cook you your favourite dishes, iron your clothes and tidy your room just so you can live in comfort.

7. Take care of your family like they are my own.

8. Spend every second with you close to your side because it tears me apart to see you going off.

9. Take care of you when you are unwell, fuss over you when you are sick, feed you your medicine and tuck you into bed.

10. Do your packing and see you off if you are going away.

11. Spend my life with you by my side.

12. Grow old with you and share your life's achievements.

13. Be with you when you succeed and hold you up when you fall.

14. Be there to wipe all your tears and sorrows away.

15. Make your life very special as we journey together.

16. Be by your side as you make your way in life.

17. Be your pillar of support in whatever you do.

18. Write long letters and poems expressing my overwheming feelings for you.

19. Be there for you whenever you need someone.

20. Revolve my life around you making you happy in every way you desire.

21. Become a better person just for you.

22. Commit to you in sickness and in health, for better and for worse, till death do us part.

23. Spend my lifetime loving you.

24. Warm you up when you are cold and cool you down when you are warm.

25. Spend time and do things together with you.

26. Enjoy the sunrise, sunset, moonlight and stardust together with you.

But mostly .... I love you .... because you are simply you!

Dedicated to all my friends who have gotten attached, married, getting married or planning to get married this year, and also to myself, since no one wants me as yet, let me indulge in some self-love. Hahahah!


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