
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Updates For The Week

I have gone blonde! Which synonymously means "dumb". But then, certain people have already come to the conclusion that I am dumb, so it does not make any difference what my hair colour is. After five hours, now my hair is significantly shorter, with SPA perm (ringlets and curls around the ends) and a colour job, so now I have curly dark blonde hair.

After a series of interviews, finally I landed a job again. At least one confirmed, another one under consideration. I am now waiting to see if either of the two big organisations I went to interview for will take me in. If not, then I will stick with the one that is confirmed.

My first brother is finally back! Needless to say, he has been hogging the computer for the past few days. And I received a record breaking 150 spam comments! Wow! That is quite something actually, that the spammer has nothing better to do than to wreck havoc in others' webpages, or that the spammer manages to post his comment a hundred and fifty times?

My Australian cousin is getting married next year, on a very special day. The seventh day of July. His fiancee comes from Malta, so we have to go up to Malta to attend the wedding. Hopefully from there, if I can take time off, I can see if I am able to tour Europe as well after that.

The contractors have finally wrecked havoc at my house. Besides the smell of paint, all of them smoke, and I actually told them off the other day. If they want to smoke, do it outside, not within the premises of my house! They smoke in the driveway, blow their smoke into the house, and leave their ashes all about. It is so dangerous, what if the car is parked in there and may accidentally explode?

Sometimes I feel ashamed of myself. I was debating whether should I risk behaving in a haughty way and ask the contractors not to smoke since the smoke is affecting us, or to be nice and just bear with it? Afterall, my parents are the ones paying for the contractors, if they do not say anything, what right do I have to say anything?

Come to think of it, the simplest people (simple in character, not mind) are those who come from humble families and live in humble abodes. The haughtiest and most arrogant ones are those that deem themselves as rich. People who think they know everything and look down on everyone else.

The type of person which I never ever want to become, and I live in constant fear that I may end up becoming like this, so I try my best to always watch myself and what I do so as not to end up making a big ass out of myself and others.


Anonymous said...

test...just wondering why no more comments

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

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