
Thursday, May 3, 2007

GAP Shopping Experience

At last I bought myself a pair of GAP jeans. I have heard of the boutique chain a long time ago, and was always hoping that there would be an outlet here. When GAP finally opened two outlets here last year, I had been wanting to visit the stores, but somehow never had the opportunity to go to the shopping malls where the shops are located.

Last month, I finally went into one of the shops. The clothes there are more hip than some of the other shops here. I wanted a new pair of jeans, dark navy blue, and the shop happened to have the colour I was looking for.

But not the size. The sizes ranged from 0 to 4, but only sizes 0 to 1 were on display. Needless to say, I was not able to fit into either one, because these sizes were designed for very petite people with very flat tummies and bums. Not for someone like me. I was rather disappointed, and thought that even though I had slimmed down somewhat, I was still not able to buy anything from a store like this!

Then a few days later, I went into the second outlet, which is bigger and has more variety. I saw the exact same jeans, and this time, all the sizes were on display. I tried on size 2 and it fits very well! So my jeans size has dropped! Not only that, I am back to wearing size S and XS (for some) again! More slimming sessions and workouts and I can go back to being XS and drop another jeans size!

The only catch is that the jeans is too long for me. I need to snip off at least five inches from the edges. So the clothes are not only for skinny people, but also for tall people! If you are not tall and skinny, then it will be almost impossible to find a perfect size! :-(

How I wish I can go into a store sells clothes perfect for me, for my size and height! No matter where I go, the clothes are either just right for my height, but too small in size, or else just right for my size but too long. What to do if I am the type who is in between?


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