
Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Men Will Be Boys?

Why are some people so pushy? Is it just me, or is there a difference between talking to someone who is more mature, as compared to someone who is still naive and innocent? Is there also a difference between someone who is higher educated as compared to someone with not as high education? I do not mean just differences in qualifications; but rather differences in mentality, intellectual and behaviour. Or is it just that I happen to run into bad luck and meet someone who needs to brush up on his Emotional Quotient?

There was this guy who needed my help on something. So I met him once and helped him out. After that, in order to thank me, he wanted to treat me for dinner. However, I have not been able to confirm with him when I could meet him again, because I have been rather tied up with my work and studies, especially with my examinations around the corner.

He then asked me, "I find it so weird that you are unable to confirm. Are you really that busy?" Erh.... yes, I am that busy this period of time. He suggested meeting on weekends, but weekends are not good for me. He then kept asking when I would be free to meet up. Finally, I got so irritated that I said I am free when I am free, he need not keep asking!

He was asking me about my upcoming trip. At the time when he asked, the trip to Spain had been cancelled, and we had not decided on another venue yet. So I told him the trip might be off due to bad timing. Now, anyone who heard this answer would just not say anything, or at least ask if we had other plans. But not this guy!

The first question he asked was that, there are a lot of flights available, why was it we could not find the right timing? Yes, no doubt there are a lot of flights available, but the one we wanted we could not get the time. And we are unwilling to spend several more hundreds just to take another flight as we are working on a budget as well. So what makes him think it is so easy as to just decide on another flight?

The second question he asked was that, why can I not just tell my parents I want to go to Spain? Erh... because I am not the one making the final decision, and I am there just to follow my parents to wherever they want to go? What makes him think I can control my parents and get them to listen to me? Maybe he can do that, but do not assume that everyone can twirl their parents around on their fingers. In my type of family, whatever the parents say still count, and we are expected to just follow orders like how children should behave, no matter how old we are.

Maybe I should be more patient. Afterall, everyone is different, there will always be people we can get along with and people we cannot. But sometimes, it gets rather exasperating indeed when one meet a full grown-up who behaves like a young kid. Come to think of it, why is it a lot of guys I meet are like that? Is it really then that guys simply mature later, but how late? Even after they reach their thirties? That would be too late, would it not?


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