
Monday, May 31, 2010

A Relaxing Long Weekend

It was a very hot long weekend. I had to stay in air-conditioning all the time. Whenever I stepped outdoors, it was as if my skin was all burnt and shrivelled. Sooner or later I may just melt and disintegrate, or get skin disease or get my skin all wrinkly and shrivelled.

Since it had been so long when I actually have a long weekend, it was a time of relaxation. I stayed home enjoying the air-conditioning on Friday before going for the next choir practice. It was one of the last few practices before the combined practice.

Then we went to watch a midnight show "Sex And The City 2", a show I had been waiting to watch and was so happy that it was finally screening.

Saturday we went for a workshop in the morning, then collected the kit to the Bare Your Sole event in the afternoon, before attending the first face-to-face training session for the Youth Olympics.

Sunday marked the end of term for cathechism, so we had a class party where everyone brought food.

Initially we wanted to go out somewhere but the heatwave and humidity around really put me off that I just want to stay relaxed and cooped up in an air-conditioning room!

It had been a real relaxing weekend. How I wish there will be another long weekend soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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