
Friday, May 14, 2010

Differing Management Styles

I mentioned once the kind of bosses I prefer. Bosses as in my direct supervisor. After all the experiences, I think I still prefer working for a male than a female. Nothing personal, it is just the working style. I like to be left alone while I work because I work best when people do not bug me or pick on every little thing or micro-manage. Male bosses do that very well, but female bosses are generally distrustful and check on you all the time. Hence, it is best I work for a male boss.

However, after having worked in various companies, I have made some observations about the various working styles, especially between a Chinese company (normally set up by the grandfather then passed on to the father and then the son and so on), and a multinational corporation.

For a Chinese company, the communication is quite closed up. The boss puts his nose high up in the air. No matter how small the company is, he will be holed up in his room, and only his secretary can get through to him. No one else can go in and talk to him or ask him any questions as everything have to go through his secretary. And if he needs to communicate anything, he goes through the secretary too to talk to you.

I find this kind of communication time consuming and non effective. What is better than just go straight to the person? At least I can get my clarifications answered immediately than go through a third party, where the message may get distorted somewhat. It is like no one else exists except for the boss himself and his secretary. You are also not allowed to make any suggestions or give any feedback which you feel may benefit the company, because it is the boss' order and no others.

Personally I find this kind of attitude appalling. I mean, yes, you are the boss, but do you really have to behave in such a bossy and high and mighty way? Your subordinates are humans, not machines. We have feelings. By giving this kind of signal, you are telling us that we are too "little" to be noticed. After a while, I will not like to work with a boss like that, who cannot even treat a normal human with a decent bit of respect.

For multinational corporations, from what I have noticed so far, the managing directors are high ranking, but they do not put on airs. They are pretty approachable. They talk to you personally when they need clarification, and you can just go straight to them if you need anything, without needing to go through their secretaries or personal assistants.

I find this kind of management style much better. At least the boss knows you are around and appreciates you for it. He gets you involved in the operations and running of the company. You feel like you belong and not an outcast. You are given the opportunities to do more and make suggestions to the boss.

Hence if I ever want to look for a job again, I will want to work in a multinational corporation with an overseas influence and exposure. I find it more comfortable and happier working in a place like that and I get to learn more and be more exposed too!


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