
Saturday, January 28, 2006

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Now that my first brother is back, I will not have a lot of chance to use the computer since he claims his campus computers are lousy, and not able to access a lot of websites, so have to use the one at home to catch up on all his soccer forums, where he is one of the moderators, as well as the many months of blog-reading.

Besides I have been putting in more hours at work in lieu of the long weekend, as well as settling my study schedule. My lectures and tutorials are on alternate weeks. Since I am only taking one module this semester, my lectures and tutorials will only be once a week, or rather, once every two weeks, since one week lecture, next week tutorial and so on. Not too bad actually.

The best thing is that attendance is not mandatory. Since lecture notes will be put up on the net and we can always call our tutors for any queries, we will not be penalised even if we are unable to attend classes due to work exigencies or other commitments. Of course, the best thing is to attend lessons regularly to be able to understand the topics fully.

Tomorrow is the first day of the Lunar New Year (or Chinese Lunar New Year to be more exact), which means today is the last day of the old Chinese lunar year. My bed sheet has been changed, my sleeping attire is new, and all the New Year goodies at my house have been put out.

On the eve of the New Year, my parents will bring us to the temple where my grandfather's altar is and pray to our ancestors, although my parents will not aks me to hold the incense and pray.

But when they started burning the papers (which I do not participate in as I feel that is a big waste of paper and harm to the environment), I would play with the two cute dogs in the temple until my parents called me to go. Then we would proceed home where we will have our reunion dinner.

Talking about meals, my supervisor brought my whole team out for lunch on Thursday. There is this seafood restaurant near my workplace. It was very crowded that day since it is the only restaurant around that area, so everyone who works around the area will go there.

But the food is good. We had lobster sashimi, then fried lobster head and tail, prawns, roast chicken, steamed garoupa, mee goreng (spicy fried noodles) and cabbages with mushrooms. It was a real sumptuous meal!

Anyway my friends all told me that their reunion dinner is either something simple (simple dishes with the family), or steamboat (easiest, just dump everything into the soup and let the food cook), or restaurants. But then if they go to eat at restaurants, then those poor waiters will have to miss out on their reunion dinners with their own families.

My family will have a variety of dishes. The reunion dinner is the only time where we can have expensive dishes like abalone, seaweed soup, whole chicken, big shitake mushrooms, pomfret fish, fried vermicelli and king prawns.

It will take my maid the whole afternoon just to prepare all the dishes, although since my mum is around today, I wonder if she will cook some of her special dishes? I have not tasted my mum's cooking in ages!

My mum used to teach me how to cook when I was practicing for my Home Economics practical lessons, but ever since I stopped the subject, she stopped cooking too. The best cook I know is my maternal grandmother. No one else can ever cook like her!

More updates about the New Year celebrations later on. Hence for now, Gong Xi Fa Cai to everyone and may the Dog Year usher in good fortune and luck!


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