
Thursday, January 19, 2006

Indecent Exposure

Recently there was a report in the papers that a guy was charged with indecent exposure for strutting around naked in his house. His neighbour opposite happened to see and called the police. One wonders why his neighbour was looking out of the window at that time anyway?

Under the Penal Code, indecent exposure is a criminal offence as it is considered "Public Nuisance" since it causes "annoyance" to the public, and one can get fined or even jailed if charged. The ridiculous laws we have sometimes, that people actually get arrested for being naked in the privacy of one’s own home. Is the home not our own haven to do as we please?

The one who called the police to report him was a lady. She was disgusted as he was middle-aged with a pot belly, graying and totally naked. Now, if he happened to be a young, good-looking guy with six-packs and a hunky build, would she have called the police even if he was naked? And if she was really disgusted she could just look away, instead of resorting to getting people arrested and jailed.

That guy happened to just strut by his open window where unfortunately that busybody of a lady happened to see. Okay, granted that if he was to be totally naked, he should know better than to get so near the window, or at least close the curtains or something. But still, must it warrant a police report?

So he was too near the window, big deal. So it was not a pleasant sight, big deal. Does she have a perfect physique or a to-die-for body to speak of also? And anyway he has whatever a man has, not a freak or mutant or anything. Must she really make such a big deal out of it?

The thing is that he was doing it in the confines of his own home, albeit through an open window where there would be a risk that others could see. But it was not as if he was out in the open flashing away at the public.

So why must others really care what he does in his own home? Has anyone never walked around naked in their homes before? I know I have, from the bathroom to my bedroom, which is just adjacent to each other, whenever there was no one around. In fact, I have even slept naked a few times before, with all the curtains closed of course! I am not that brave or thick-skinned to do that with the risk of people seeing me through the open windows.

What is considered as indecent exposure then? Strutting around naked at one’s home? Going outside without any underwear on? Going out scantily clad? It all differs from individual to individual.

The guys in my family can go around the house topless. I go around the house without any underwear on at times, especially if I am in my sleeping gear. It is cooling and convenient, but I will never go commando when I step out of the house, although I will go braless depending on what I wear.

The point is that different people have different concepts of indecent exposure. For me I will never change in front of anyone, not even my boyfriend, nor will I expect him to change in front of me, unless I am married to him. No one but myself (and my future partner) can see me in the buff. There are others who have no qualms about changing in front of others, exposing their nakedness.

It is all subjective how people view indecent exposure. But nowadays in this century, are people still put off by others in the buff? These things are all so prevalent, in porn, in movies. If people can download porn and watch R(A) shows where naked bodies are so rampant, why is it such a big deal even if someone goes without clothes in his own home?


gus said...

i'd offer another point of view... maybe the lady is merely protecting the kids in her house from scene they're not to supposed to see yet ....

Ole' Wolvie said...

If this was in the US, the lady could have been sued for "Invasion of Privacy".

Anyway, "Indecent exposure" do not really have much to do with whether one wears underwear or not. You can be fully naked under a power suit and you're not "indecently exposed".

shakespeareheroine said...

Gus : Ah... from a parent's point of view. I can understand where you are coming from, but I still think having that guy arrested is a bit too drastic.

Ole Wolvie : That depends. Certain traditional and conservative people still think it is indecent if one does not wear any underwear, no matter what you wear outside. But then again, how would anyone know anyway?

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