
Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sunday Brunch .... And Chit-Chat

I have been so lethargic lately that all I could do was to flop down on my bed the moment I reached home. No inclination or inspiration to do anything else. Plus the fact that I have not been feeling that well of late.

My maternal grandma just came back after a three-month trip to China, so we went down to one of the country clubs (where my dad and uncle hold memberships) for lunch. The folks suddenly seem to be more adventurous, so we tried Indian food.

Normally I could partake everything, but the fish head curry totally turned me off. Not that it was not nice, but somehow I did not have the appetite for curry today. Plus, all the food was so spicy, and I have been sort of turned off all kinds of spices lately. The only thing I could take in was the rice and Naan and Chappati.

My aunt said my cousin is finally pregnant. Nine weeks. She has been married for about two and half years anyway. Everyone was so excited, and started congratulating her, grinning from ear to ear, and giving her advice and tips.

I was depressed. Not because of my cousin's great news. I am ecstatic about that, but because if I am to tell them something, their reactions will be totally different. Anyway I have no intention to tell anyone until ....

My cousin then invited me over to her place after lunch to play with her dog. Gosh, I miss her dog! Eight months old already. The last time I saw him he was still a little puppy, frisking around chewing things.

It turned out that there was more to it than just seeing the dog. Apparently, my mum called her mum and asked her mum to ask her to talk to me, since I have always looked up to her as an elder sister.

She said my mum is very concerned about me. She senses that something is troubling me but does not know how to approach the subject. Hmmm.... I thought I have been acting rather normally around her?

Anyway, my mum says that I have become more choosy over what I eat, I refuse chocolate cake, I pulled out of the performance, and I have been looking so listless lately.

She asked if there is anything wrong. I was so tempted to just tell her everything, but in the end I held back. She is expecting, and I do not wish to suddenly give her a big shock over what I said.

I just told her that I am stress over my work, which has been driving me crazy lately. And also about the troublesome supervisor I have. We just chatted a while, talked about old times and of the future.

Her baby will be the first new generation of my mum's side. And definitely will not be the last. I wonder if anyone will know how near the next baby will come along?


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