
Friday, June 30, 2006

The Joys Of Having A Pet

My little furball is really the light of my life. He perks me up when I am down. Especially nowadays he can sense that I am feeling depressed, so keep sticking to me. He will jump on my lap when I am on the sofa, and I have to bring him down as my mum does not allow any dog hair on the sofa.

So he started curling up and lying down at my feet, licking my toes and fingers at the same time. What will I do without him? Even my dad commented yesterday that he seems to stick to me so much lately.

Dogs are very cute animals actually, in all sense. They are like little kids wanting affection, and giving their utmost loyalty and affection and love. The way they look at you, the way they greet you, it makes you feel warm after a hard and stressful day.

For instance, when my friend shaved his Maltese as her hair was getting too long, she went into withdrawal symptoms. She hid in her basket, and refused to come out and greet anyone until her hair has grown back. It was as if she knew she looked ugly, so did not dare to face anyone.

Just like when my dog had a haircut yesterday, he actually looks more presentable and neater. And it was as if he knows he looks better, so keep showing off to everyone that he had a haircut. My dad commented he looks nicer, and my maid said he is now a handsome dog.

And he has an ego too. When I called him by his name several times, he refused to respond. Then I called "Handsome Boy", and he quickly turned around and licked me. What a vain creature!

All my friends who own dogs concur with me. Some did not want a dog at first, but they helped save some strays from being put down. But after that, they, too, said that they are glad they kept the dog, as having a pet really lights up your life.


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