
Friday, March 9, 2007

A Hermit Once Again!

Our new Head of the department finally came on board yesterday, so the team is complete again. And because of this, I had to go back to where I was previously seated - the store room. I feel so cut off again, like an island, when in actual fact, no man (or woman) can ever be an island as humans are social animals by nature!

Speaking of which, I was trying to make peace with someone whom I had fallen out with, but after being personally attacked by this person due to a general remark made casually when it was nothing whatsoever to do with this person, I felt it was not worth it contacting this person again, as if the attitude is still hostile, I better not get myself into any trouble. If people choose to be islands, then the only thing we can do is to sit and wait and hopefully get through to them one of these days.

So my immediate supervisor had to shift to where I recently vacated, so that his place will then be taken over by the new Head. I feel so indignant, for him, because he is after all a practitioner, so why should he sit where the rest of the assistants and secretaries are seated? It is already a bit of a let-down that he does not have an office of his own, and now he has to sit in a cubicle?

I do not care where I am seated because after all, I am the smallest fry so will be the one getting bounced around, but I feel so unfair for my supervisor! He is of top middle management level afterall, so should he not warrant a bigger place at least? Luckily he is a happy-go-lucky guy, if it is anyone else, they will feel so insulted and degraded!


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