
Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Lazy Pig?

I am starting to hate myself. I have become so lazy, ill-disciplined and irresponsible. Or perhaps it is a sign of old age, but that is not an excuse, since there have been people twice, or even thrice, my age doing much more things than I am doing now! Lately, I find my memory getting shorter and shorter, irritating some people as a result as they have to keep repeating what they said to me. What has come over me, I wonder? I have never been like this as those who know me can testify that I have a superb memory and never forgets a thing! Which is not a good thing, as I remember good and bad things, and it is the latter that affects me more.

Nowadays, all I want to do after work is to go home and sleep. I do not seem to have any inclination doing anything. I have missed a lecture and a tutorial, have fallen behind on two weeks of readings, have missed dance classes that the company kindly postponed my lessons to the next intake a few months later. I just do not have the energy to do anything anymore, and I cannot even be bothered with public transport and taking cabs almost everywhere. I just want to flop right into bed the moment I reach home. I wonder what has come over me? This cannot go on as if I make this a habit, my life will be rather meaningless indeed!


Big Rice said...

U sound like u r burnt out? Checked urself lately?

Richard said...

There are various possible reasons. You may be going through a depression, whether it is as mild as some blahs or full blown clinical I can't say (ok, ok, to be clinical, it has to have been ongoing for at least 6 months).

It might be diet, too many carbs (sugar, pasta, rice) or unhealthy fats (French Fries, potato chips) or a combination (donuts, muffins).

It might be hormonal. There are various physiological conditions that can leave you feeling bleh (diabetes, hypotyroidism).

It might be lack of sleep.


I don't know. I would say, indulge these lethargic feelings for a short time (no point in letting them get out of control) and indulge in rest. If that doesn't work, then consider something to try and get you motivated. Of course, that is always, always easier said than done. If I had some sure fire way to motivate, I would happily share it with you.

juphelia said...

Big Rice : Perhaps I am burnt out. I am trying not to do anything else besides work this week and see if the situation will improve. Thanks for your concern.

Richard : Perhaps its hormonal, or lack of sleep, considering my sleeping patterns have been rather irregular lately.

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