
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Harrassed To Death?

I was so pissed yesterday! As you know, I spent the day in a hospital. Saturday was the deadline for my monthly instalment, and due to exigencies, I was not able to make the payment by Saturday. I admit, I did not take emergencies into account. Due to the rapid downfall of the world's financial markets, I have no doubts the banks here are panicking in the event of a run, so they are more vigilant on regular payments. Thus I kind of expect a call anytime.

But they could wait until Saturday night, or Sunday, or even today to contact me right? Okay, they were just worried that I may disappear and default payment, but still, they did not need to call me first thing on Saturday morning when the deadline was on Saturday! The least they could do was to wait until the end of the day!

Okay, so even if they were mighty worried about me defaulting payment and needed to call, they did not need to keep hounding! I could not use my phone in the hospital at all! There was a drip hooked to a machine! What if something happened?

As a result, I received six missed calls in an hour! I kept rejecting the calls for obvious reason (not to tamper with medical equipment, not because I deliberately wanted to avoid the calls), but these people will not let it lie until they get the person! There must be a reason why the person cannot answer the call, right? Does keep hounding and calling going to make any difference?

When the seventh call came, I decided to just answer and tell them where I am, and said I could not talk. I figured if I still did not answer, they would probably call my home and make my already distraught parents more frantic with worry. So I answered and said, "Sorry, I am in a hospital now, it is inconvenient to talk."

Any sane person would get that right? Do you know what that fellow on the other line said? "I have been trying to reach you the whole morning! I do not care where you are, I need to talk to you urgently!" Now, that really, really riled me!

I was so pissed at that attitude! Yes, I know you are doing your job, yes, I know you are being paid to harrass people, but for goodness sake, I was in a hospital, is your "urgent" message any more important than a matter of life and death? If the drip machine got all cranky because of me using the phone, was anyone going to be responsible?

I really blasted at that fellow. I said, "Someone is on the drip here. Is it so important you need to talk to me right now? Are you going to be responsible if a life is lost? Any amount of money I pay you is not going to replace a life!"

I think the fellow knew a big blunder had been committed, so had no choice but to apologise. But honestly, do banks train their staff to be totally heartless, irregardless of situation and circumstances? I am totally disgusted with how they work! I really feel like writing into the Forum to blast at these people!


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