
Monday, September 22, 2008

Orange Peel!

I saw a pile of orange skins on the bus seat this morning. The thing is, there were quite a number of people at the bus stop, yet no one bothered to move the orange skins and just let it remained there. The peels were taking up part of the seat, so it made sense to just take and throw them away and then leave the seat empty for whoever who wanted! Yet why is it nobody bothered?

So I had to scoop up the skins and threw them into the bin. When I touched the orange peels, they were dry, which means someone peeled and ate an orange at the bus stop yesterday, and left them there on the seat just like that! The trash bin was just behind, so there was absolutely no excuse!

The inconsideration of people really rile me at times! The person who left the skins there is already inconsiderate enough, since the trash bin is just behind the seat! And those who have gone to the bus stop from yesterday to today are equally inconsiderate, as they saw the skins but never bothered to just throw them into the bin, freeing the seat for others!

When I did that, all people did was to stare at me in a funny way as if I was doing something strange. I thought that would be within anyone's rationality to do, is it not? Pick up the peels and throw them into the bin instead of letting it stay on the seat and obstructing those who wanted to sit! Was what I did really that unorthodox? Then people here really need an intensive lesson in basic manners!


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