
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Matchmaking For Kids

Freddie and Fannie have been taken over by the government! Finally! Someone should have taken over them a long time ago, considering the situation. Hopefully this move would be in a bid to "clean up" their act and the rest of the world's market will go back to normal.

On Sunday, a group of parents clustered for the first time in local history to find mates for their unmarried children. Seems like the children themselves are not in a hurry, but it is the parents that are desperate for their children to find mates!

Luckily my own parents are away. But then they know I will absolutely forbid them from doing anything like that to me! In any case, if they ever find someone for me, I will never accept it because they will probably find someone stodgy, quiet and boring, as long as he is a good provider.

If that is what I am looking for, I would have just grabbed anyone already, because many guys I know are like that. But what is the use of being a good provider and responsible to the family if he does not even know how to enjoy the finer sides of life? Like not willing to travel and explore, or go for musicals, or experience different cuisine instead of always sticking with the same old, same old.

In any case, a higher percentage of the parents are more worried about their unmarried daughters than their sons. I guess men have it easier. They can still father kids at the age of seventy even, but women are different. Once past the age of forty they are as good as gone case, which is why once a woman reaches her mid-thirties, it is hard for her to find someone already.

I guess most parents look out for the best interests of their children. Strangely, the requirements for a daughter-in-law are not as high as that of a son-in-law. For instance, those parents who are looking for a girlfriend for their sons, just state they like a nice girl from a good background.

But for parents of girls, they will say their daughters are of this qualifications, this job, earning this amount of money, this age, so they would like a guy who is older, same or better qualifications, higher earning power, etc.

Maybe that is why society is this way, because we are inculcated from young that man should be the care giver and breadwinner, so they are reluctant to be with a lady who is better, and likewise for a lady, she is reluctant to be with a man who is less than her equal?

Some of my friends say this is like going back to ancient times - where parents try to find matches for their children, and the matches are from the same kind of background, status, education level, etc. Afterall, it is true that in general, those with the same kind of upbringing tend to get along better as they have common ground to speak of.

I hope those parents do manage to find a good match for their children though. But then, at times, too much effort may backfire. Sometimes it is best to just let things happen naturally in its own time.


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