
Thursday, September 3, 2009

All Signs Pointing To CHOICE

Is it not amazing how things just happen to right themselves? Perhaps right is not the right word to use. But it is amazing how everything just happened by chance and make one realize the things that are meant to be.

For instance if I did not happen to meet a certain friend, I would not have known about CHOICE. I even went to CHOICE not expecting anything, and even at the end of it all, I felt I went in and came out without much change to my emotional state, unlike some others.

Yet somehow I got involved in CHOICE, with the Prayer Meets, the Asian Conference committee, the recent Housekeeping weekend and the story-telling sessions to see if I could present. For some reason, I feel more enthusiastic about the CHOICE activities than my own church or parish activities!

Anyway I was due for a Dinner and Dance in Bangkok at the end of this month. I was kind of looking forward to that and even catered all grooming sessions nearer that date. Then two weekends ago, one of my presenters during my CHOICE weekend told us about a retreat in September. For some reason, I had a yearning to go for that, but the date clashed with the Bangkok trip.

So I was checking out flight details to Bangkok, but something told me to hold first, even though the air tickets were going at very incredible prices on first-class carriers! Hence I decided to hold and get the tickets later on. Actually last week, I was contemplating whether I should proceed with the Bangkok trip. Somehow, something told me to stay here around that week. I have no idea why, but my inner voice told me to stay here and not go anywhere.

Then this week, I was told the Bangkok trip was off. I should be disappointed, but for some reason, I was quite relieved instead. Normally I would get upset when a trip is cancelled, but this time round, I actually felt happy, no idea why!

Today, I received an email about the retreat at end of September. Suddenly the strong urge came again to sign up, and I just did. This retreat is exclusively for committee members or those who have already attended the weekends and have become part of the family. And I felt peaceful after signing up.

Somehow I wonder if it is a sign that I really should go for this retreat? Seems like it is in God’s plan that I should just stay on and be more involved, which suits me! Finally, after so long, I found a religious group that I really love and belong to! Perhaps more things will come right!


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