
Friday, September 4, 2009

Post-Incorporation Of Companies

Yesterday evening, I attended the second session of the Corporate Governance course. This time the instructor touched on post-incorporation, on what is needed when companies are to be incorporated, and what is needed after the company has been incorporated.

Essentially, when companies have been incorporated, one has to choose the directors, the company secretary as the main administrator, the number of shares, which entity, share certificates, share capital, what is the par value and the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

These are nothing which I have not already known, but attending the class at least refreshes my mind. After the practical part comes the theory part, knowing what to do and when to do things. All along when I have been dealing with corporate matters, I know more or less what is going on, but only after attending the lesson that I realise why all these things are so necessary and why none can be left out.

Before that, I just went with the flow without asking many questions, and know these are what required but never knew why. Whenever I asked, the supervisor would just say these are what was required for compliance, without telling me the reasons. So now I know why, and from there, I hope to be able to contribute more with my newfound knowledge!


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