
Monday, September 28, 2009

Back From A "R-Rated" Retreat

So I am back from the R-rated retreat, and it was a tad more "R-rated" than intended. ;-p Still it had been a good weekend, getting to know people more, good bonding, enough time to rest (even though I still ended up with fourteen hours of sleep when I reached home), and a time to refresh and re-discover ourselves.

Some had feedbacked that it was not a good idea to hold a retreat during the Grand Prix weekend. That I agree. Even though I may not be directly involved in the F1 this year, there are others I know who are involved somehow or other. And we cannot simply say we have a retreat to go to if we need to work.

Still, it had been a good weekend. Felt refreshed, rejuvenated, relaxed and re-immersed in the Holy Spirit. The sessions had been pretty good and the facilitator was good too! I am not supposed to disclose what it is all about, but all I can say is that the sessions touched on practical themes like family, love and forgiveness. So in short, it is a great reminder to us on what living a life is all about!


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