
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pre-Movie Ice Breaking Session

The pre-movie event last night was fun and interesting. When I reached the movie theatre lounge, there was a buffet spread, so I took some food and went up the stairs where there is an alcove. Turned out some beauty and massage salon was giving a free massage and paraffin hand treatment as part of the promotion.

I had a neck massage, which was quite painful. It is still painful now. I seriously have no idea what the masseuse did to me! Although the massage was relaxing, but it caused me pain! After that I had a paraffin wax hand treatment. It was hot wax but when it was cleaned off, my hand felt smoother and looked fairer than before!

After that I went down again and got into my team. The organiser asked us to play a game, where the men had to state what they liked in a woman and the women do the same for the men. The first one who got any one row of the boxes filled (be it vertical or horizontal) could go and claim a prize.

I was one of the first to get one row filled in, so I went up and got a free tank top with the logo of the movie on it. Quite nice actually, suitable to be worn during casual occasions. The men got a pair of boxers with the logo on the front.

The second game was on fixing a poster. Each of us had to get a shred of the movie poster, then try to find the matching pieces like a jigsaw puzzle. That was the hard part, as the front was the poster, but the back had a story. So both the front and back parts had to match. In the end, only two groups bothered to find matching pieces and only one group won.

We exceeded the time a bit so had to rush into the movie theatre. Luckily the theatre was booked for the participants so the show had not started yet when we went in. At least this event was more fun than the previous ones I have attended! Quite worth it, cheaper, more fun and the movie was good too!


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