
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Switching To A More Trustworthy Planner

I am convinced that my decision to change my financial consultant is the right one. Shortly after I transferred my policies to my friend, my original consultant called me and asked me the reason why I changed all of a sudden. So I told her no one was monitoring, and she claimed even though she has her hands full, she did ask someone to monitor.

So I said if someone was monitoring, how come no one told me I made a loss? I cannot afford to make another loss! She claimed it was just paper loss, everyone made loss, economy is recovering, things will get better soon, etc. She said both she and her friend are in the industry for a long time, as compared to my friend, so who would I trust?

Sorry, but I trust my friend because he has proven himself time and again that he is trustworthy. Whereas she come to me when she wanted to push a sale, and then totally forget about me, and now that I have changed a consultant she suddenly called me again after being missing in action for almost a year?! What kind of attitude is this? Thank goodness I switched over when I did!


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