This year is a year of good concerts and musicals, and all the great artistes just happen to be performing here in November and December. Thus I cannot wait to see their performance! Coming up next week is Maksim, the piano genius. The one who has his own style in making a classical instrument sound so good!

Next up will be an evening of operatic love songs. Since I was a member of the Singapore Lyric Opera, how can I not support their production?

And then the long-awaited for Victor / Victoria! After all the hype about this show, I am finally going to catch it before it ends its run!

That would be the month of November. Then in December, it would be another great month of musicals and concerts! First up is the Mendessohn's Midsummer Night's Dream, by the Philharmonic Orchestra and Philharmonic Chamber Choir, by our very own famous conductor. His concerts are normally worth watching!

This next one was not in my plan initially, but with all the hype, I thought it would be good to see what it is like. So next up would be High School Musical!

Followed by the Michael Jackson Tribute concert. This is also not in my original plan, but since I know the dear idolises him, we decided to attend and see what songs there are.

Then the annual Christmas ballet performance. Last year it was Nutcracker, this year it is Swan Lake. Hopefully it will be better then the Nutcracker last year!

And that wraps up this year! As for next year, there are two upcoming major productions which I am thinking of catching. First is La Boheme, an opera by Giacomo Puccini - the same writer of Madame Butterfly. A rather famous local soprano will be in the lead role, so I must catch it!

And finally, the long-awaited for musical of the year - Chicago! After falling in love with the movie version, I simply cannot wait to catch the stage version!

Hopefully all the shows will not let me down!
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