
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gender Roles Reversed?

I am not a feminist, although my brothers will beg to differ. I have no qualms the men earning more at the workplace, or being the head of the household. I just ask for respect and love. After having had my share of egotistical, chauvinistic men who think they were always right and women should be seen and not heard, I believe I deserve some respect and love, that my opinions do count too.

Anyway, despite what many people think, I have no qualms being a "small woman", letting the man take charge. However I used to give men the wrong impression, not because I cannot be submissive, but because they just happened to be doing all the wrong things. I am not saying I am always right, but sometimes the way some men do things really irritate the hell out of me, and I believe a lot of women as well.

But why is it when women show they are more capable, some men get scared off? Luckily I am now with someone who cannot care less what I do and respect my opinions, so I consider myself pretty fortunate. But there are still many men out there who always think their way is the best, and always think the women's way is wrong.

Now if the men are really the capable and efficient kinds, then we women have no qualms going with the flow. But these men who think they are always right, chances are they are the ones who are giving the wrong ideas and doing the wrong things, and yet still claim they are always right! Yet when women kind of brainstorm and feel there is a better way, the men get all upset.

Not just that, when these men insist on doing their ways and when things really go wrong, they blame it on the women instead and refuse to admit their mistakes! Why? Is it really such a big deal admitting your mistakes? There is nothing wrong making mistakes, but why do people always refuse to acknowledge that fact?

Everyone makes mistakes, just learn from them and move on. Apologising does not need an arm and leg, the willingness to apologise only shows humility and a good attitude to learn. Yet men are less willing to apologise than women.

Hence, women nowadays are taking on the roles of men. They get more capable, more intelligent, more open-minded, stop sweating the small stuff. Even if they face a problem, get out of a relationship, and get stressed up, they grit their teeth and move on with their lives. Yes, they cry, they curse and swear, but they move on and start anew.

But men nowadays are getting more and more whiny and emotional. They cannot let go of past hurts, they bear grudges, they pick on trivial things, they take things personally, and they treat is as if it is the end of the world when they get dumped. And still think they are not at fault in the first place!

Is this not gender reversals, that women are becoming more like the traditional mould of men, and men are becoming more like the traditional mould of women? The thing is, if gender roles are indeed reversed, then it should be reversed fully, is it not? Women be the breadwinners and less emotional ones, men be the ones that take care of the family and be the more emotional and whiny ones.

Personally I cannot stand whiny men. It is enough that women are whiny, but women have always been the more emotional ones who take things personally, so I (and I know a lot of others) take it that women get emotional, and they just need to blast out and everything will be fine.

But when men start being whiny and emotional, it kind of turns me off. Perhaps you think it is double standard, but to me, men have always been the stronger gender, so they are able to take in more things than women, so why is it nowadays it is the women who do not take things personally and not men?

I am not saying men cannot be upset. Humans have feelings after all. But upset being upset, one should not just keep harping and blaming the whole world for their problems, instead of getting a grip and moving on. Worse is indulge in smoking, drinking and whatnot just to feel better.

Give me a strong manly man anytime over a weak, emotional whiny man! Sometimes I feel like telling these emotional whiny men, "Be a man!" Are they such weaklings? Somehow whiny men just give me goose bumps!


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