
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New Office Updates

Some of you may know I have shifted my workplace. I officially started at my new workplace yesterday. No, I did not get another job, I just shifted office premises, as my company wanted to move out of the central area to an industrial park in the west. So I have moved from central to west back to central back to west again.

I know where the area is, but when I arrived at the premises yesterday morning, I had to try finding my way. Luckily the building is near to the front, so it only takes five minutes to walk from the bus stop to the building, instead of going further in. Turns out there are actually two bus stops near my office building.

If I alight at the first bus stop, I have to cross a traffic junction, turn a bend, walk up a flight of stairs, walk up the pavement, up another flight of stairs, up the pavement, then up another flight of stairs. In short, one traffic junction, three flights of stairs and two uphill slopes.

If I alight at the second bus stop, I just need to walk up a long flight of stairs, all the way up slope, and up another flight of stairs. In short, two flights of stairs and one long uphill slope. But the distance and time taken for both stops are the same.

So which one did I choose? Yesterday I chose to alight at the second stop. Today, I chose the first stop. Simply because three short flights of stairs and two uphill slopes sound more appealing than one very long flight of stairs and one long uphill steeper slope.

Yes, I am weird, I know. Most would prefer the second option. But since there is no difference anyway, why should I then waste time at a traffic junction waiting for the lights to turn and alight at the second bus stop, when I could just alight at the first stop and walk all the way? Granted, it is not much time wasted, but well, I still prefer the first option.

However, when going home, I would take the second option, because I need to cross an overhead bridge to go to the other side of the road to take a bus back, and the overhead bridge is nearer to the second stop than the first. So my new office building is really pretty convenient!

Yesterday saw us unpacking and putting the files and documents into cupboards and cleaning our desks. The movers have efficiently took our boxes to the appropriate places, all accounted for, hence we only needed to unpack, without needing to look around for any missing boxes.

When I reached the office, it took me no time at all to find my desk, as there was a name tag! After working in various places, this is the first time I actually have a name tag to my desk, indicating my place! Much better than some places where I got to keep shifting places without a proper permanent place!

Not just that, the boxes that were supposed to be mine were all on my desk or the storage room. I took a glance and everything was accounted for. Thus, I spent almost the whole day sorting out the documents and putting them in order in the respective cupboards.

Then the electricity went down in the afternoon, so there could be no work to be done for about an hour. Luckily, that was restored soon so work could resume. Initially I was quite apprehensive where to go for lunch, but my colleague brought us to a staff cafeteria in another building (again going down hill and down two flights of stairs). The food is good and inexpensive, not bad!

Then we explored the place a little. Turns out there is actually a gym, swimming pool and tennis courts within the premises itself! Next to the fitness area (which also consists of a children's playground), there is a walkway and pavement that links directly to a park and the ridges and walkways. Seems that finally I can keep fit and lose weight again!

There are also Indian, Korean and sandwich restaurants around, not to mention a machine for movie rentals. There are even wooden tables and chairs outside to let others play chess and just chill out. The place is essentially not bad, pretty conducive to work in. The only gripe is there are no banks around, so it is a bit inconvenient in that aspect, but other than that, everything else is pretty conducive!

A new environment calls for changes. Hopefully I may actually enjoy it more here, rather than the fast pace and at times suffocation of the Central Business District!


Ole' Wolvie said...


I think I might know where you work now :D

There is one POSB ATM, but you gotta walk a bit to get there.

juphelia said...

Ah... you did get the place right! Managed to find out where the ATM is, but its quite a walk from my office building. Still its better than nothing!

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