
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Which Element Would Be Best To Control?

If we can control one element - Fire, Water, Air, Earth or Metal, which would you choose? In "The Last Airbender", Fire exterminated Air, Earth had no power over Metal (although Metal was not technically a form of element in the show), but it was Water that finally distinguished Fire.

So if given a choice, which element would you like to control? If I can control Fire, I would only end up doing more harm than good. Everything would be burnt to pieces. There would be more forest fires.

If I could control Air, I could let it fly me everywhere. I could bring wind to an otherwise hot and sultry place.

If I could control the Earth, then maybe everything on Earth belongs to me. If I could control Metal, I would make millions building great technological machines, but also could destroy the world by building destruction machines.

But if I could control Water, I would be able to put out Fire, wet the Earth, bring rain to a dry and parched place, rust and bury the dangerous machines.

But I could also cause floods, monsoons and drown millions. So which element would be best to control?

I would still say Water. If I could have a choice, I would want to be able to control Water, not to bring disasters, but peace and good things to the world.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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