
Monday, December 22, 2008

A Comfy December Weather (And Merry Christmas!)

This December, it has been pretty cool weather, but not rainy. At least I have not experienced much rain, as compared to previous years. I remember in previous Decembers, the rain came down in torrents. It became inconvenient to go places. It was raining non-stop when I was practicing for carolling, when I went out with friends, when I had to do some Christmas shopping.

This year, there is hardly any rain. There were drizzles here and there, but other than that, not much of a thunderstorm. Yet the weather is still pretty cool and breezy at night. Now I leave my windows open the whole day and the cool breeze just comes in, that even if there is no rain, I still have to pull on a blanket despite no fan or air-conditioning. Still, the weather has been relatively comfortable with an average of twenty-six degree Celsius.

Thus, when I took a look at the weather forecast for Japan, I was expecting the worst. Tokyo’s weather would be around four degree Celsius tomorrow, and slightly higher at five degree Celsius on Wednesday. Hopefully I will not freeze too much! However, the weather in Hakodate will go down to a four degrees below zero with showers on Wednesday!

Sapporo’s weather for the week will be around six degrees below zero. Just exactly how cold that is, I really have no idea! I am a born and bred tropical girl, so I have never experienced any winter whatsoever! The lowest temperature I ever experienced was two degree Celsius in New Zealand, but that was because it was at a bay and there was a hail. I got icicles caught on my face and hands and got frostbite. I suppose this time round will be worse!

I had to do more packing yesterday, as I managed to find some thermal underwear. Thus I need to re-arrange my luggage again. Since I will be wearing thermal, I need not bring so many layers after all, so I will be leaving the cashmere and angora cardigans home. Just trench coats, turtlenecks and pullovers will do, plus a North Star windbreaker of sorts. And of course, leather gloves and a woollen winter hat!

I leave tomorrow early morning for Japan. I will be back after sixth January, so this will be my last post for the year. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful year ahead! Hoping the new year will bring new hopes and dreams, leaving behind all the happenings of this year, and embracing new adventures in the new turn-of-the-decade year!


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