
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Messy Channel Of Communication

One never knows how much trouble one can incur unless one really incurs the trouble. Or shall I say some organizations are just internally messy that the channels of communication is not effective? Just last month, I managed to pay off all my outstanding bills, with a ten percent rebate. I received a letter stating that all arrears have been paid and there are no more outstanding amounts, which is good! At least I can breathe a sigh of relief and start over again!

The very next day, I received a letter from the same bank, stating I have a minimum payment overdue which I have to pay immediately. Of course I was puzzled, as I just received the settlement letter the day before! So when I called the bank (after going through so many channels and being cut off all the time), I finally got the person in charge and told her my situation. She apologized profusely and said perhaps the other department has not been updated, thus sent out the bill.

So I said if I am to pay, should you not update everyone so people would not have to keep paying? She kept apologising and said she would let the other department know immediately to stop billing me and that I can just ignore the bill. So I told her that if I ignore the bill, is anyone going to call me for payment, because I have paid in full and do not wish to have anymore calls. She confirmed I can just ignore and there will not be anymore calls.

Good, so at least they have received the payment, then I do not need to keep calling them. But this thing makes me wonder, all those amounts I paid before, were they updated? Is that the reason why I was always told my bill had not been settled despite me knowing I have no more outstanding amount? Afterall, it cannot be possible that late charges and interests can roll over to so much if I have been making regular payments. If this is the way they function, I seriously worry about just how much I have paid and could not get back the extra amount I came up with!


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