
Thursday, December 11, 2008

No Incentives For Motivation

I am upset! After slaving for another year, putting up with all the politicking and bouncing around, everyone is going to have a pay cut next year! Alright, the company is not doing well the last two quarters, although the first two quarters more than make up for it. Due to this, the top management is foreseeing potential losses next year, thus projects have been frozen, headcount has been frozen, bonuses have been frozen (even the Annual Wage Supplement and thirteenth month), and even salaries will be cut!

What is the point of slogging so hard if we are not going to get any benefits in the end? No doubt we go to a company not for the benefits, but still, if the employees have all worked hard for the year, should they not get a bit of a reward or incentive? This would make them more motivated and do even better the following year! If people are already disillusioned with their jobs, cutting pay and freezing bonuses are not going to help!

Just now, the Human Resource Personnel from the interview I went to on Friday, called me for a short chat. She asked me questions like give her examples on what kind of things I did that I am happy about, and any example on issues which I was pro-active and took initiative for and how others reacted to that.

Now just how am I supposed to answer those? If I talk about what I did for my work et al, I may be showing off. On the other hand, if I did not say anything, then people will wonder just exactly what I have been doing at work (which is what I often wonder myself). Then she asked the reason I am moving now, whether I am happy in my company, whether I prefer a structured or less structured place. Hmmm... tricky! In any case, she said she may set up another meeting with the Chief Finance Officer if need be.

I have always wanted to go to established companies, but it is hard to get in, as they have a few interviews to go through. In the past when I was interviewing for small firms, all I needed was to go see the person in charge, had a chat, and that was it. In a bigger firm, I had to see the person in charge, then take a written test (something like the law school entrance exam) and finally see the Human Resource Personnel before getting the job.

In my current company, I had the first interview with the Human Resource Executive, then an interview with the Head of Department, then a last interview with both of them where I was put to test reading Chinese documentations. Being in Human Resource is tough indeed!

In any case, I hope to get the job, as it means a new challenge, a pioneer for that company. And since I will not be getting any bonus or increment anyway, I do not need to continue holding on for anything, so if they offer me, I can tender immediately, then start work in January, with my Japan trip as part of the notice period. Keeping my fingers crossed!


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