
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cultural Night!

The Cultural Night marked the close of the Conference. It started around a quarter to seven in the evening on Saturday. The first performance was a dance by the Malaysians, followed by introductions and announcements and the start of dinner. Then there was a skit by the Hong Kongers, followed by prizes to the winners of the Amazing Race.

Next it was a dance by the Indonesians, then the Taiwanese, who performed two dances - one traditional one and one modern one, with a change of costume too. Then there was a birthday celebration for all those born in the month of October, and finally, it was a skit and dance put up by the Singapore team.

It was a really wonderful night! Everyone had fun, and even in the final dance, so many of the delegates went on stage and participated in the dancing. Even the Archbishop came for our Cultural Night! I got so inspired that I think I would just have a mini musical all on my own!

It was so fun that the Archbishop actually called our Coordinator and congratulated on a job well done! That was such an honour and great to be praised by the Archbishop himself! I only hope we have more of this on our own too, so the fun would not stop here!


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