
Friday, October 22, 2010

Signing Of Employment Contract

It is official! I will be moving to the Asia-Pacific Legal Team of an American multinational corporation, in the healthcare industry. My designation will be the Asia Pacific Legal Counsel, reporting directly to the Senior Legal Counsel and the General Counsel. This is an opportunity of a lifetime, a job I had been craving for.

I received the Employment Contract on Tuesday. Even the contract looks so professional, like a real legal document! Most other employment contracts I have seen are just a normal letter with a few clauses, but this is a real professional agreement. I scrutinised, asked questions, clarified and finally, today, I put my signature to it and sent it back.

Initially, I thought to start next year, so I could have a Christmas break and then start the year over on a clean slate. But the company needs me to go in fast, so in the end I had to go in at the end of November. Which means I have to tender my resignation by next week latest.

Which is just as well, because the new company will be giving me a pay raise, plus the thirteenth month fixed Annual Wage Supplement. Which means no matter what, the thirteenth month Annual Wage Supplement will be given in December every year. This is not including a bonus amounting to twelve percent of the annual income, given depending on personal and company performance, although I heard the twelve percent has been given for the past few years.

I will also have fifteen days Annual Leave, medical and dental benefits of S$1,200.00 and optical benefits of S$150.00. In other words, the remuneration package is very good, much better than all the other companies I have worked for and am working for. Hence if I move over earlier, I am entitled to better pay earlier, which helps me loads.

I plan to tender my resignation on Thursday, before my boss goes on leave, since I need only one month's notice. Come to think of it, I am pretty satisfied at my current workplace, save that the job is getting more mundane and nothing much to do lately. But the environment is much better than my previous workplace, where there were people who ganged up against you if you are not of the same group. At least here, I have a bunch of buddies whom I lunch with quite regularly.

Moving to a new place means starting over again. If it is not an offer I cannot turn down and a job which I have been craving for, and a lost opportunity which I thought I would never regain, I would have stayed on for a while more. But with all these pull factors, I feel it is for the best if I move and I do need the financial boost, as well as a greater career progression.

After all, if I can get a better job, I can get more income, and can save up more, which will help me loads in the years to come!


Julie Lim said...

Great to hear you've found your dream job! Congrats and I wish you all the best!

juphelia said...

Thank you very much! Hopefully this will turn out well!

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