
Friday, January 11, 2013

Angels ...

Why does this always happen to me? Yesterday after work, I was walking from my office to the venue of the talk, which is around ten minutes away from where I work. I came across a Canadian mother and daughter who were asking for directions, so I walked with them to direct them. But at the moment, the strap of my shoe broke and I ended up hobbling, so in the end I had to sit somewhere while directing them in the right direction.
But it is adversity like this that makes me feel that God is watching out for me. While I was sitting down wondering what to do with my shoe, suddenly out of nowhere a lady came by, and asked if I needed help. I told her that my strap broke and I was trying to figure out how to tie it in such a way that my shoe would not come off and still walk properly.
Immediately, she bent down and tied my broken shoe strap to the other strap. She did it so well that my shoe was still in tact and I could walk again. She did tell me though that it may not last long. When I gave her my appreciation, she just smiled and walked away. That was when I noticed she was actually walking towards the other direction away from where I was sitting. And she came from that same direction too, if I could see.
Then in that case, how did she suddenly sppear in front of me? After all, if she was at the opposite direction all the time, it would be out of the way for her. So how did she suddenly see what happened and came across to help me? I was not really doing anything obvious save for fiddling with my shoe, and from where she was, it would only seem as if I was putting on a shoe, which people would not even bother to have an interest in. What can I say except perhaps God sent her along to help me out?
I managed to walk to the venue, and that was when my other strap came off too. I could not do anything except to hobble. I managed to hobble to the room and waited for my friend. When she arrived, I told her what happened, and guess what? She happened to have another pair of shoes on her! She said those were her walking shoes if she needed to walk home from her office, which was half an hour away.
How coincidental is that? Afterall, how many people bring extra shoes out during a workday? To top it off, her shoes fit me perfectly. Her shoes are so comfortable that I had no problem walking back after that and there was no blister or pain at all. And I am the kind who find it very hard to shop for shoes because the shape of my toes are broad, so I cannot wear pointy pumps, and most of the places I go, the shoes are either too tight, cause me discomfort or I end up getting blisters. Yet her pair of shoes fit me so well! Again, what can I say except it was all God's doing?
God is really good to me! I only hope He makes my prayer, my number one prayer, come true soon!


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