
Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Night At The Gym

Contrary to what a lot of people think, I have stepped into a gym before. I used to be with a couple of guys who spent their time working out, so occasionally I would go to the gym with them to try my hand at the machines available, although I am never a fan of gym workouts.

Due to the two week gym membership which just expired, we went for a trial session with a personal trainer, who took our body profiles, including our height, weight, muscle mass and body fat. Somehow I have shrunk two centimetres (as if I am not short enough already), but lost another half a kilogram from the last time I measured.

My muscle mass is low, body fat high, although not as high as last year already, so it seems like the slimming treatments do work to a certain extent. Thus, the trainer said that I should build up my muscle mass and lose more body fat to have a flatter tummy and more toned legs and arms. He should build up more muscle mass to make his body more proportionate and well-toned, with six packs! :-D

So we started on our routine. First, it was a session on a machine that will help build our chest muscles. We used our hands to clutch at the sides, then used chest muscles (not shoulders or arms) to pull the edges towards us. We had to do that fifteen times! If you think it is easy, think again. Using chest muscles is much more difficult than shoulders, as we had to keep our shoulders and arms constant, and not move them.

Next, we had to lift weights. We were placed in front of a mirror with our backs facing the mirror, then lift weights with our elbows remaining constant on the mirror. This exercises the upper and lower arms. It is much easier lifting the elbows instead of having them fixed at the mirror! Again, we had to lift up the weights fifteen times.

Our third exercise involved our leg muscles. We had to lie on our backs, suspend our legs on a big exercise ball, then bend our knees and balance our feet at the edge of the ball WITHOUT the ball moving. Again, if our leg muscles are not strong enough, the ball will move, then it will be hard to balance.

Next, we had to suspend ourselves standing up on another machine, placing our arms at the side handles. Then we had to push our arms down and life our lower bodies up, while bending our knees at the same time. This cannot be achieved if one do not have strong arm and chest muscles. Needless to say, I almost could not do it.

Our last exercise was sitting down on a mat, pulling the handles at the side of a wall. It is something like rowing a boat, except the legs have to remain straight and we had to pull the ropes and arch our bodies back, without moving other parts of the body.

All in all, it was a useful, albeit very intense, session. From there, I finally realise exactly just how unfit I really am. These gym tips are useful for us, as we can use them to practice our own gym routines at the gym at his place. At least with an exercise partner there is more motivation to keep fit!


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