
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Being Stood Up ....

It had been another busy, tedious, stressful, fast-paced week. Why is it when major transactions start, they all start coming in at the same time? Just when I thought I could finally wrap up one matter, two or three more start coming concurrently, so one could barely take a break from the first one before having to deal with the rest. *Sigh* Such is working life, slaving away all the time!

Firstly, I would like to wish all teachers a happy belated Teacher's Day! Saturday, 1st September, I received quite a few messages wishing me a happy Teacher's Day, but I should not be included anymore considering it has been more than three years since I left the service.

In the interim, the school I was teaching in has had a new Principal, the students I taught have since graduated, my close friend there had married and moved to England, and some of my peers have left the service.

Teachers are getting more and more overworked, underpaid, under-recognised and under-appreciated. No wonder the turnover rate is getting higher and higher, as no matter how much passion one had, it just fizzles out after a while and all one feels is drained and despair.

Anyway, I went to SIM University to submit all my documents that day. At least that is a load off my mind! Now I can just sit back, relax and hopefully the news will come soon whether I am able to go back into my course.

I went there for another purpose. A friend of mine wanted to attend the Open House as she is interested in some of the courses offered. So she asked me to go along and sort of show her around. Since I had a rather tight Saturday, attending the church performance in the evening and helping the guy with his preparation of his upcoming piano examination during the day, I told her I could only meet her in the morning.

So we settled for eleven. I was already a bit late in reaching the place. I sent her a message, apologising that I would be about ten minutes' late. There was no reply from her. When I reached the entrance of the campus, she was nowhere in sight. So I called her and she did not pick up the phone.

I went to the Administration Office and did the necessary, then wandered around the campus. I called her a few more times, but still my calls were unanswered. I waited until noon, then decided to go off. Knowing her, she was probably either still asleep or she forgot to bring her phone out.

I received a message from her around two, apologising profusely that she had indeed overslept. Just as I expected! But come to think of it, in the past, I would have really just waited there like an idiot, even if I got so frustrated waiting and wondering when if the other person would arrive.

But this time, I went off. I figured that if the other person is not going to be responsible enough to keep to the timing and what he / she promised, and did not even have the courtesy to inform me in advance whether the appointment is still on or off, why should I waste my day waiting around? I have better things to do with my time!


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