
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sharing A Complete Life

My favourite journalist has done it again! Another article from the heart! That is the kind of writing I like, from the heart, and not just mere reporting of facts and figures. Of course, there are those who prefer facts and figures and avoid anything too emotional. Different strokes for different folks.

Her article on Sunday was pretty interesting. After all these years of swearing off guys, with all her feminist values and being free and single, she finally realises that as age catches on, she will want a mate too. She is someone whom no one can ever believe will ever say that, but she now feels she needs a man to make her life complete.

Does age really changes a person's mentality? My mum has a few friends her age or older, all did not see the need to settle down and have a family of their own in their younger years. They wanted to have freedom to do whatever they liked, to travel the world.

Now, after all the travelling and being successful in their careers, they feel lonely, and regretted not actively looking for a mate, a companion to be with. It is as if life no longer has any meaning for them, and there is nothing else to look forward to in the future except a bleak retirement.

That is sad, is it not? Not being able to look forward to spending the life with a soul mate. Perhaps one may not find it so necessary in the younger days, after all there is work and other activities to keep one busy. There are also one's dreams to keep one occupied.

But when one has done whatever one wanted to do, has fulfilled all the dreams, has travelled the world over (perhaps more than once even), and is now middle aged, with work becoming routine, waiting for retirement, and no longer has that many friends to hang out with because everyone is either married or parents, then perhaps he / she will start to look back and wonder where his / her life is going?

Like the article mentions, there are always pets, or nieces and nephews, or even friends, but all these can never replace the kind of love one shares with one's mate, or with one's children. Besides, doing things together with a partner is much more fulfilling and satisfying than merely doing things on one's own.

True, a woman needs a man to a certain extent, and I do believe a man needs a woman too. Not just as a mere boyfriend or girlfriend to hang out with, but something more, like a lifetime companion, a partner.

At the end of the day, we like someone to go home to, to do things together with, to talk to, to wake up with, go to bed with, someone to be there for and there with, someone to support and someone to show support. It is like having a twenty-four hour best friend for the rest of our lives.

Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to find such a mate. Many people end up marrying the wrong person, then either divorce or choose to stay on and suffer. There are those who will rather not marry than to risk marrying the wrong person.

But being together only goes two ways - either grow together or grow apart. People who grow together are those where both parties put in the effort to maintain. Those that grow apart are those who no longer want to put in the effort to keep the relationship going.

When is being with someone so easy anyway? Do people think just because they like each other, they get married and that is it? No matter how well two people get along, how "compatible" they are, both still have to compromise, accommodate and tolerate. Live and let live.

But that is what a lot of people are not willing to do. Rather than going all out to cater to others, they rather be on their own and live life the way they want, without any consideration to anyone else.

Yes, getting along with people, being responsible for others, is never easy. But once that is achieved, everything else will flow smoothly and the result will be beautiful and lasting. Humans are after all social animals. We cannot do without interaction, and life is all the more complete with someone to share it with.


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