
Monday, September 10, 2007

Financial Loss ....

Just when I told myself to stop being such an airhead, I did another brainless thing. I went for a series of meetings in town a couple of weeks back. I took cabs from my office to the other office, and to a third office. All in all, the cab fares cost me about S$40.00.

I was supposed to claim transport expenses upon my return to office the next day. Being the procrastinator I was (still am), and due to the fact that our Petty Cash and Claims person comes in only once a week or once every two weeks, I held on to the receipts for a while more, thinking that I would write out the claims just before my Accounts colleague came in.

Then I got to clearing my room and my bag(s), and threw out all the receipts I had. I thought I finally got to tidying my things for once, when I realised I threw out the taxi receipts too! Which means I am not able to claim anything as I could not justify that I have gone to these places nor incurred these amounts.

S$40.00 down the drain! That amount can last me for a week or so! And talking of money, the plans for a car has to be shelved for the time being, in light of more immediate future commitments of buying a place.

A housing loan will be drastically decreased if one has a car loan concurrently. Having one's own home and a roof over the head is still more important than a set of wheels to ferry myself here and there. So I have to continue with public transport for the time being until further notice, much further notice.


Ole' Wolvie said...

Financial planning is a very useful skill to have. What's more important though, is the financial sense to differentiate assets from liabilities.

I do not know how much you earn per month, but if the house you're aiming for is going to cost your whole salary in installment, it is clearly too much house.

From what I read, in general, mortgage installment should not be more than 30% of your Gross Salary.

I am also planning to get an affordable abode of my own. Unfortunately, I have less choices, being a single, unattached PR. That despite me being currently free of any liabilities whatsoever.

juphelia said...

Actually the house and car will cost more than my monthly salary. The house itself is still manageable.

Anyway it is a bad time to get a place, with the property prices rocketing sky high. Best is to get a place when the property prices hit deep low, and no one is getting. That will be the best time to get an abode.

Ole' Wolvie said...

If the monthly instalment is still more than 30% of your salary (or combined salary with your dear), it is not "manageable".

It is a recipe for financial disaster.

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