
Friday, September 21, 2007

Yearning To Be A Parent

One of my good friends just had a daughter. He got married last November, or shall I say, he and his wife solemnised their marriage in May 2005 and only had the ceremonial banquet last November. They have been staying together ever since the solemnisation, so technically, the baby came after two years, and not immediately.

He was so excited about it, that the moment his daughter was born, he sent me (and I believe all his friends) a message with the photo of the newborn. She is so cute! She looks like his wife I think. At least I cannot see any of his features on her. But then again, all newborns look the same, the resemblance will start to appear only around a few weeks later or so.

I am so happy for both of them! Both have the same mentality of settling down early and have kids early. He is my age and she is three years younger, and she has declared she will not have anymore kids after thirty.

Well, for a woman, it is still best to have kids early. The later a woman has kids, the harder and more complicated it is for her. Besides, having kids at a younger age is better for the woman, both physically and mentally. She can still snap back into shape easier, and has the energy to run after and keep up with the children.

Which is why I always wanted to settle down and have kids early. Just a pity it is not meant to be. And from the looks of things, it will be impossible for me to get married and have kids before I turn thirty.

So maybe I shall make it my next goal, to get married and have kids before thirty-five. Plus I would like to wait at least a year or two before having kids so that my partner and I can get used to each other first. Which means in this case, I have to be married by the due date I set myself. Just a few more years to go, perhaps there is still a chance?


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