
Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Age Factor

A few weeks back, a friend was asking if I still look for the age factor to deem someone as potential. If she has asked me that a few years back, even last year, I would say yes. At that point in time, I saw many guys my age being rather childish and uncommitted. (That is not to say guys in their thirties are any way more mature or committed too.)

I come to realise that maturity is not in the age, but the mind and behaviour. One can be forty but still behave like a prick, whereas one can be twenty but already knowing what he wants and ready to settle down. It all depends on the person I guess.

Come to think of it, age is never really a factor for me. Of course, I do prefer older guys, but that is not to say I will never consider someone younger. If two persons get together and know each other well enough and develop feelings for each other to go on to the next stage, age should not be a factor, should it?

Like what my friend says, if she is really so inflexible over her criteria of an older and taller guy, then she would never be with her current boyfriend, who is shorter and younger. For me, as long as the guy is not shorter than me that is all that matters. Age wise there is really no preference as long as we can get along well, enjoy each other's company and spark off something beautiful.

Many girls I know always insist on guys being a certain age range, as girls always want someone older to look up to. There have been girls my age going out with a middle aged guy (those single and available ones, not the other types who cheat).

There are also girls who insist the guy must earn a certain income range, or work in a certain occupation. All these for me are really immaterial. What I look for is the character, brains and compatibility, yet people say my criteria is too high to meet. And one more - he must be single. I am never going to take that kind of risk again of going out with someone who is ambiguous about his status.

Hmmm... if I do not find age, occupation, income level and height a problem, why is it still too high to meet? This can be just anyone on the streets. Perhaps it just so happens many guys I come across are those I really cannot click with or else they are already attached or married? There are potential single ones of course, but I do not want to be the only one feeling this way yet again, so I shall see how things go.


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