
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Does A Five-Day Work Week Equate To A Poor Work-Life Balance?

I was rather amused after reading this article. Whoever said a five-day work week equates to a poor work-life balance is probably a workaholic with no life! Whether single, married without kids or married with kids, having a five-day work week is still beneficial to everyone. Personally, I much prefer a five-day work week anytime! I believe most of my friends prefer a five-day work week as well!

By five-day work week, I mean officially five days in the office with the weekends off. However, with the kinds of jobs people have nowadays, everyone is mobile, what with laptops, PDAs, blackberries, that one ends up working remotely at home or on vacation even. So if we are already putting in office hours five days a week, at the same time being contactable at all times for work-related issues, I sure will want my weekends off to rest and relax, and just chill out.

Whether I am single or not, a five-day work week leads to a good work-life balance. Work-life balance does not mean just going to the office for five days and then staying home and spending time with the family the rest of the week. As I have mentioned, nowadays employees have to be contactable at all times for exigencies. Work-life balance simply means not putting in more hours in the office than whatever that is stipulated under Labour Law.

Let's face it. We are already going to the office five times a week. Do we really want to go back on Saturdays and Sundays as well? I much prefer to have the weekends off to have time for myself. If one does not have time for oneself or with the family, there will never be any work-life balance, even if someone works a four-day week.
Blogged with the Flock Browser


Ole' Wolvie said...

Od course it is a poor balance. It should be 4 working days and 3 off days :P

That feller is just spouting rubbish. Having children is a matter of personal choice. There are many poor families who have 2-3 children. A person can be a millionaire who don't work at all, but still may not want any children.

juphelia said...

Haha... you should go work in Utah, where they have implemented the 4-day work week. However, it's like 8-8 from Mondays to Thursdays in order to have Fridays to Sundays off. So there's no such thing as a free lunch! :-p

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