
Friday, February 20, 2009

Is One's Life Written By Destiny?

And that is the question posed by “Slumdog Millionaire”. People know I can watch two or even three movies at one shot. Which was why after watching Benjamin Button, I went on to watch “Slumdog Millionaire”, the show which took many by surprise. I have heard raving reviews about it, so decided to watch it, as I figured if a non-Hollywood show can actually be in running for Best Picture, it must be quite something.

And I was not disappointed. The show touches on reality of the poor in developing countries, intensity of religious wars, love, luck and destiny. It was so typical of people to assume that someone young, poor and uneducated would not be able to go by in life that easily, thus must have cheated to get the big amount when so many more who were richer and higher educated could not achieve that.

Maybe it is to do with how one perceives life in general? Social problems are the same everywhere. In actual fact, those who lived the streets could probably have a much wider life experience and exposure because they have to learn how to survive without anyone’s help. They need to learn how to adapt and escape. Throughout this process, they probably come across a lot more things in life.

Comparatively, someone who had led a much more sheltered life, had the ability to have a good education, may not necessary have a rich life experience, because they go to school to learn yet not exposed to the harsh reality of what real society is about. Whatever they know they probably learnt from school, but to be honest, school learning is just the minimal foundation.

So when the main character went onto the game show where the questions were coincidentally parallel to what he had experienced in his life, he was able to answer them. The few questions which he really could not answer, he hitched a guess and happened to be very very lucky. Or perhaps it had been luck all the while that enabled him to survive all these while.

The climax was around the end when he went back to the show. Everyone was rooting for him to win. I found myself rooting for him too, as after the life he had, everyone would like to see a happy ending, so everyone wanted to see him win the money and win the girl.

The message at the end indicated that everything is written. Destiny, fate, luck, love, is all written. Alright, it is always written in the movies, but come to think of it, many shows parallel real life. At times, reality can be more dramatic than drama serials or movies. I know some people whose lives can be like a mini soap opera of sorts.

Which is why this movie is so critically acclaimed. It is one of those shows which gave a warm and good feeling all over, a show where it makes one feel for the main character, yet at the same time pitied him, root for him and support him.

Despite the typical cheesy Bollywood ending, this movie is a real independent success. I will not be surprised if Best Picture goes to “Slumdog Millionaire” though, but knowing Hollywood, “Benjamin Button” may just get it!


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