
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Of Friends Of Opposite Genders

A few days back, I was talking to a girlfriend. She was joking about introducing a guy to me. This guy used to like her but she takes him only as a close friend. For some reason, we brought up whether we can accept it if our boyfriends have many girl (female) friends. To me, why not? If we end up together, I should trust him, otherwise why be with him? If he chose me despite having so many female friends, then that is saying something, is it not?

My friend said somehow she seems to be with possessive guys, even her fiance. But now she has put her foot down and said she is not going to drop her guy friends just because he said so, because she has known some of them even long before she met him. Well said! Just like I am not going to drop any of my male friends for anyone, thus I do not request anyone to drop their friends because of me. I have dropped male friends before because someone was not happy, and in the end the one who lost out was me because when the relationship did not work out, I was so lonely and depressed as I had no more friends left.

I have a friend who kind of like this guy, and was ecstatic when he asked her to go with him to a friend's party. Then he brought another female friend along, and she was kind of upset. The thing is, they are not together, so even though I can understand why she is upset, she has no right to be jealous or angry. He has the right to bring whoever he likes, and she is not his only friend. Besides, he introduced both as his friends, no special relationship whatsoever.

Even if they are really together, he or she still has the right to bring along whichever friend he or she likes, be it male or female. Even though a couple should know each other's friends, they should also have their own set of friends of both genders as well. Personally, even when I am in relationships, I still go out with my guy friends one on one, or go out to gatherings on my own. Sometimes I would bring along the guy of that time, but other times I just go on my own. The guy can do the same thing too. I see nothing wrong with that, even if one is married.

What is the use of stopping your partner from seeing his or her friends? He or she knows them long before he or she knows you. If you cannot even trust your partner, then it will be a very unhealthy relationship. Of course at times the trust can be abused, but then if you chose the person, then you would have known how he or she is like, what you can tolerate and what you cannot. Then just live and let live after that.
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